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Date : 2001-07-01
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The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Classics in ~ The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography covers the relevant mathematical theory of the Radon transform and related transforms and also studies more practical questions such as stability sampling resolution and accuracy
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Classics in ~ The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Classics in Applied Mathematics by Frank Natterer 20010730 Frank Natterer on FREE shipping on qualifying offers
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography ~ I1 The Basic Example Transmission Computerized Tomography The most prominent example of CT is still transmission CT in diagnostic radiology Here a crosssection of the human body is scanned by a thin Xray beam whose intensity loss is recorded by a detector and processed by a computer to produce a twodimensional image which in turn is displayed on a screen
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Classics in ~ The field of computerized tomography has since then witnessed progress and development which can be encapsulated in no other words than scientific explosion Transmission emission ultrasound optical electrical impedance and magnetic resonance are all CT imaging modalities based on different physical models
Customer reviews The Mathematics of ~ Find helpful customer reviews and review ratings for The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Classics in Applied Mathematics at Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Society for ~ The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography covers the relevant mathematical theory of the Radon transform and related transforms and also studies more practical questions such as stability sampling resolution and accuracy Quite a bit of attention is given to the derivation analysis and practical examination of reconstruction algorithms for both standard problems and problems with incomplete data
Front Matter The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography ~ Classics in Applied Mathematics The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography 101137 Manage this Chapter Add to my favorites Download Citations Track Citations Recommend Share Recommend to Library Email to a friend Facebook
The mathematics of computerized tomography Book 2001 ~ Note Citations are based on reference standards However formatting rules can vary widely between applications and fields of interest or study The specific requirements or preferences of your reviewing publisher classroom teacher institution or organization should be applied
Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging Classics ~ Principles of Computerized Tomographic Imaging provides a comprehensive tutorialstyle introduction to the algorithms for reconstructing crosssectional images from projection data and contains a complete overview of the engineering and signal processing algorithms necessary for tomographic imaging
The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography Classics in ~ The Mathematics of Computerized Tomography covers the relevant mathematical theory of the Radon transform and related transforms and also studies more practical questions such as stability sampling resolution and accuracy
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